spinactive_m Module

This submodule is included by conductor.f, and contains the equations which model spin-active interfaces.


Derived Types

type, public :: spinactive


TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
real(kind=wp), public :: conductance =1.0

Interfacial conductance

real(kind=wp), public :: polarization =0.0

Interfacial spin-polarization

real(kind=wp), public :: spinmixing =0.0

Interfacial 1st-order spin-mixing

real(kind=wp), public :: secondorder =0.0

Interfacial 2nd-order spin-mixing

real(kind=wp), public, dimension(1:3):: magnetization =[0, 0, 1]

Interfacial magnetization direction

real(kind=wp), public, dimension(1:3):: misalignment0 =[0, 0, 0]

Interfacial magnetization misalignment (this side)

real(kind=wp), public, dimension(1:3):: misalignment1 =[0, 0, 0]

Interfacial magnetization misalignment (other side)

Type-Bound Procedures

procedure, public :: diffusion_current => spinactive_diffusion_current
procedure, public :: kinetic_current => spinactive_kinetic_current
procedure, public :: update_prehook => spinactive_update_prehook