calculus.f Source File


Source Code

Source Code

!> Author:   Jabir Ali Ouassou
!> Category: Foundation
!> This file defines functions that perform some common calculus operations.

module calculus_m
  use :: basic_m

  ! Specific implementations of the `mean` interface

  pure function mean_array_re(x) result(r)
    !! Calculates the mean value of a real-valued array.
    real(wp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x   !! Real-valued array
    real(wp)                           :: r   !! Mean value <x>

    r = sum(x)/max(1,size(x))
  end function

  pure function mean_array_cx(x) result(r)
    !! Calculates the mean value of a complex-valued array.
    complex(wp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x  !! Complex-valued array
    complex(wp)                           :: r  !! Mean value <x>

    r = sum(x)/max(1,size(x))
  end function

  ! Specific implementations of the `differentiate` interface

  pure function differentiate_array_re(x, y) result(r)
    !! This function calculates the numerical derivative of an array y with respect to x, using a central difference approximation
    !! at the interior points and forward/backward difference approximations at the exterior points. Note that since all the three
    !! approaches yield two-point approximations of the derivative, the mesh spacing of x does not necessarily have to be uniform.
    real(wp), dimension(:),       intent(in)  :: x   !! Variable x
    real(wp), dimension(size(x)), intent(in)  :: y   !! Function y(x)
    real(wp), dimension(size(x))              :: r   !! Derivative dy/dx

    ! Differentiate using finite differences
    associate(n => size(x))
      r(   1   ) = (y( 1+1 ) - y(  1  ))/(x( 1+1 ) - x(  1  ))
      r(1+1:n-1) = (y(1+2:n) - y(1:n-2))/(x(1+2:n) - x(1:n-2))
      r(   n   ) = (y(  n  ) - y( n-1 ))/(x(  n  ) - x( n-1 ))
    end associate
  end function

  pure function differentiate_array_cx(x, y) result(r)
    !! Complex version of differentiate_array_re.
    real(wp),    dimension(:),       intent(in)  :: x   !! Variable x
    complex(wp), dimension(size(x)), intent(in)  :: y   !! Function y(x)
    complex(wp), dimension(size(x))              :: r   !! Derivative dy/dx

    ! Differentiate using finite differences
    associate(n => size(x))
      r(   1   ) = (y( 1+1 ) - y(  1  ))/(x( 1+1 ) - x(  1  ))
      r(1+1:n-1) = (y(1+2:n) - y(1:n-2))/(x(1+2:n) - x(1:n-2))
      r(   n   ) = (y(  n  ) - y( n-1 ))/(x(  n  ) - x( n-1 ))
    end associate
  end function

  ! Specific implementations of the `integrate` interface

  pure function integrate_array_re(x, y) result(r)
    !! This function calculates the integral of an array y with respect to x using a trapezoid
    !! approximation. Note that the mesh spacing of x does not necessarily have to be uniform.
    real(wp), dimension(:),       intent(in)  :: x   !! Variable x
    real(wp), dimension(size(x)), intent(in)  :: y   !! Function y(x)
    real(wp)                                  :: r   !! Integral ∫y(x)·dx

    ! Integrate using the trapezoidal rule
    associate(n => size(x))
      r = sum((y(1+1:n-0) + y(1+0:n-1))*(x(1+1:n-0) - x(1+0:n-1)))/2
    end associate
  end function

  pure function integrate_array_cx(x, y) result(r)
    !! Complex version of integrate_array_re.
    real(wp),    dimension(:),       intent(in) :: x   !! Variable x
    complex(wp), dimension(size(x)), intent(in) :: y   !! Function y(x)
    complex(wp)                                 :: r   !! Integral ∫y(x)·dx

    ! Integrate using the trapezoidal rule
    associate(n => size(x))
      r = sum((y(1+1:n-0) + y(1+0:n-1))*(x(1+1:n-0) - x(1+0:n-1)))/2
    end associate
  end function

  function integrate_range_re(x, y, a, b) result(r)
    !! This function constructs a piecewise hermitian cubic interpolation of an array y(x) based on
    !! discrete numerical data, and subsequently evaluates the integral of the interpolation in the
    !! range (a,b). Note that the mesh spacing of x does not necessarily have to be uniform.
    real(wp), dimension(:),       intent(in)  :: x  !! Variable x
    real(wp), dimension(size(x)), intent(in)  :: y  !! Function y(x)
    real(wp),                     intent(in)  :: a  !! Left endpoint
    real(wp),                     intent(in)  :: b  !! Right endpoint
    real(wp)                                  :: r  !! Integral ∫y(x)·dx

    external                                  :: dpchez
    real(wp), external                        :: dpchqa
    real(wp), dimension(size(x))              :: d
    integer                                   :: err

    ! Create a PCHIP interpolation of the input data
    call dpchez(size(x), x, y, d, .false., 0, 0, err)

    ! Integrate the interpolation in the provided range
    r = dpchqa(size(x), x, y, d, a, b, err)
  end function

  function integrate_range_cx(x, y, a, b) result(r)
    !! Complex version of integrate_range_re.
    real(wp),    dimension(:),       intent(in)  :: x   !! Variable x
    complex(wp), dimension(size(x)), intent(in)  :: y   !! Function y(x)
    real(wp),                        intent(in)  :: a   !! Left endpoint
    real(wp),                        intent(in)  :: b   !! Right endpoint
    complex(wp)                                  :: r   !! Integral ∫y(x)·dx

    ! Integrate the real and imaginary parts separately
    r = cx( integrate_range_re(x, re(y), a, b),&
            integrate_range_re(x, im(y), a, b) )
  end function

  ! Specific implementations of the `interpolate` interface

  function interpolate_array_re(x, y, p) result(r)
    !! This function constructs a piecewise hermitian cubic interpolation of an array y(x) based on discrete numerical data,
    !! and evaluates the interpolation at points p. Note that the mesh spacing of x does not necessarily have to be uniform.
    real(wp), dimension(:),       intent(in)  :: x   !! Variable x
    real(wp), dimension(size(x)), intent(in)  :: y   !! Function y(x)
    real(wp), dimension(:),       intent(in)  :: p   !! Interpolation domain p
    real(wp), dimension(size(p))              :: r   !! Interpolation result y(p)

    external                                  :: dpchez
    external                                  :: dpchfe
    real(wp), dimension(size(x))              :: d
    integer                                   :: err

    ! Create a PCHIP interpolation of the input data
    call dpchez(size(x), x, y, d, .false., 0, 0, err)

    ! Extract the interpolated data at provided points
    call dpchfe(size(x), x, y, d, 1, .false., size(p), p, r, err)
  end function

  function interpolate_array_cx(x, y, p) result(r)
    !! Complex version of interpolate_array_re.
    real(wp),    dimension(:),       intent(in)  :: x   !! Variable x
    complex(wp), dimension(size(x)), intent(in)  :: y   !! Function y(x)
    real(wp),    dimension(:),       intent(in)  :: p   !! Interpolation domain p
    complex(wp), dimension(size(p))              :: r   !! Interpolation result y(p)

    ! Interpolate the real and imaginary parts separately
    r = cx( interpolate_array_re(x, re(y), p),&
            interpolate_array_re(x, im(y), p) )
  end function

  function interpolate_point_re(x, y, p) result(r)
    !! Wrapper for interpolate_array_re that accepts scalar arguments.
    real(wp), dimension(:),       intent(in)  :: x   !! Variable x
    real(wp), dimension(size(x)), intent(in)  :: y   !! Function y(x)
    real(wp),                     intent(in)  :: p   !! Interpolation point p
    real(wp)                                  :: r   !! Interpolation result y(p)
    real(wp), dimension(1)                    :: rs

    ! Perform the interpolation
    rs = interpolate_array_re(x, y, [p])

    ! Extract the scalar result
    r = rs(1)
  end function

  function interpolate_point_cx(x, y, p) result(r)
    !! Complex version of interpolate_point_re.
    real(wp),    dimension(:),       intent(in)  :: x   !! Variable x
    complex(wp), dimension(size(x)), intent(in)  :: y   !! Function y(x)
    real(wp),                        intent(in)  :: p   !! Interpolation point p
    complex(wp)                                  :: r   !! Interpolation result y(p)
    complex(wp), dimension(1)                    :: rs

    ! Perform the interpolation
    rs = cx( interpolate_array_re(x, re(y), [p]),&
             interpolate_array_re(x, im(y), [p]) )

    ! Extract the scalar result
    r = rs(1)
  end function

  pure function interpolate_point_matrix_re(x, y, p) result(r)
    !! Perform a Piecewise Cubic Hermitian Interpolation of a matrix function using Catmull-Rom splines.
    real(wp), dimension(:),       intent(in) :: x  !! Variable x
    real(wp), dimension(:,:,:),   intent(in) :: y  !! Function y(x)
    real(wp),                     intent(in) :: p  !! Interpolation point p
    real(wp), dimension(size(y,1),size(y,2)) :: r  !! Interpolation result y(p)

    integer  :: n, m
    real(wp) :: t

    ! Find the nearest known point y(x)
    m = size(x)
    n = floor(p*(m-1) + 1);
    ! Perform the interpolation
    if (n <= 0) then
      ! Exterior: nearest extrapolation
      r = y(:,:,1)
    else if (n >= m) then
      ! Exterior: nearest extrapolation
      r = y(:,:,m)
      ! Interior: spline interpolation
      t = (p - x(max(n,1)))/(x(min(n+1,m)) - x(max(n,1)))
      r = y(:,:,max(n-1,1)) * (     -0.5*t +1.0*t**2 -0.5*t**3)  &
        + y(:,:,max(n-0,1)) * (+1.0        -2.5*t**2 +1.5*t**3)  &
        + y(:,:,min(n+1,m)) * (     +0.5*t +2.0*t**2 -1.5*t**3)  &
        + y(:,:,min(n+2,m)) * (            -0.5*t**2 +0.5*t**3)  
    end if
  end function

  ! Specific implementations of the `linspace` interface

  pure subroutine linspace_array_re(array, first, last)
    !! Populates an existing array with elements from `first` to `last`, inclusive.
    real(wp), dimension(:), intent(out) :: array   !! Output array to populate
    real(wp),               intent(in)  :: first   !! Value of first element
    real(wp),               intent(in)  :: last    !! Value of last  element
    integer                             :: n

    do n=1,size(array)
      array(n) = first + ((last-first)*(n-1))/(size(array)-1)
    end do
  end subroutine
end module