matrix.f Source File


Source Code

Source Code

!> Author:   Jabir Ali Ouassou
!> Category: Foundation
!> This file defines functions that perform some common matrix operations.

module matrix_m
  use :: basic_m
  pure function identity(n) result(R)
    !! Constructs an n×n identity matrix.
    integer,  intent(in)     :: n    !! Matrix dimension
    real(wp), dimension(n,n) :: R    !! Identity matrix [n×n]
    integer                  :: i, j

    ! Initialize by exploiting integer arithmetic to avoid multiple passes
    do i=1,n
      do j=1,n
        R(j,i) = (i/j)*(j/i)
      end do
    end do
  end function

  pure function matrix_inverse_re(A) result(R)
    !! Wrapper for matrix_inverse_cx that allows the procedure to be used for real matrices.
    real(wp), dimension(:,:), intent(in)     :: A   !! Matrix A [n×n]
    real(wp), dimension(size(A,1),size(A,1)) :: R   !! Matrix R=A¯¹

    R = re(matrix_inverse_cx(cx(A)))
  end function

  pure function matrix_inverse_cx(A) result(R)
    !! Invert a square n×n matrix using Gauss-Jordan elimination with partial pivoting.
    !! In the special case n=2, the inverse is evaluated using a cofactoring algorithm.
    !! [This implementation is based on Algorithm #2 in "Efficient matrix inversion via 
    !! Gauss-Jordan elimination and its parallelization" by E.S. Quintana et al. (1998)]
    complex(wp), dimension(:,:), intent(in)     :: A   !! Matrix A [n×n]
    complex(wp), dimension(size(A,1),size(A,1)) :: R   !! Matrix R=A¯¹
    integer,     dimension(size(A,1))           :: P
    complex(wp)                                 :: Q
    integer                                     :: i, j

    select case (size(A,1))
      case (1)
        ! Trivial case
        R(1,1) = 1/A(1,1)

      case (2)
        ! Inverse determinant
        Q = 1/(A(1,1)*A(2,2) - A(1,2)*A(2,1))

        ! Inverse matrix
        R(1,1) = +Q * A(2,2)
        R(2,1) = -Q * A(2,1)
        R(1,2) = -Q * A(1,2)
        R(2,2) = +Q * A(1,1)

      case default
        ! Permutation array
        P = [ ( i, i=1,size(A,1) ) ]

        ! Matrix copy
        R = A

        ! Matrix inversion
        do i=1,size(A,1)
          ! Pivoting procedure
          j = (i-1) + maxloc(abs(A(i:,i)),1)
          P([i,j])   = P([j,i])
          R([i,j],:) = R([j,i],:)

          ! Jordan transformation
          Q      = R(i,i)
          R(:,i) = [R(:i-1,i), (0.0_wp,0.0_wp), R(i+1:,i)] / (-Q)
          R      = R + matmul(R(:,[i]), R([i],:))
          R(i,:) = [R(i,:i-1), (1.0_wp,0.0_wp), R(i,i+1:)] / (+Q)
        end do

        ! Pivot inversion
        R(:,P) = R
    end select
  end function

  pure function matrix_trace(A) result(r)
    !! Calculate the trace of a general complex matrix.
    complex(wp), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: A   !! Matrix [n×m]
    complex(wp)                             :: r   !! r = Tr(A)
    integer                                 :: n

    r = 0
    do n = 1,min(size(A,1),size(A,2))
      r = r + A(n,n)
    end do
  end function

  pure function commutator(A, B) result(R)
    !! Calculate the commutator between two complex square matrices.
    complex(wp), dimension(:,:),                 intent(in) :: A   !! Left  matrix [n×n]
    complex(wp), dimension(size(A,1),size(A,1)), intent(in) :: B   !! Right matrix [n×n]
    complex(wp), dimension(size(A,1),size(A,1))             :: R   !! Commutator R = [A,B]

    R = matmul(A,B) - matmul(B,A)
  end function

  pure function anticommutator(A, B) result(R)
    !! Calculate the anticommutator between two complex square matrices.
    complex(wp), dimension(:,:),                 intent(in)  :: A   !! Left  matrix [n×n]
    complex(wp), dimension(size(A,1),size(A,1)), intent(in)  :: B   !! Right matrix [n×n]
    complex(wp), dimension(size(A,1),size(A,1))              :: R   !! Anticommutator R = {A,B}

    R = matmul(A,B) + matmul(B,A)
  end function

  pure function vector_diag(A) result(r)
    !! Extract the diagonal of a general complex matrix.
    complex(wp),  dimension(:,:),                     intent(in)  :: A   !! Matrix [n×m]
    complex(wp),  dimension(min(size(A,1),size(A,2)))             :: r   !! r = Diag(A)
    integer                                                       :: n

    do n = 1,size(r)
      r(n) = A(n,n)
    end do
  end function

  pure function matrix_diag(A,B) result(R)
    !! Construct a block-diagonal matrix R from two general matrices A and B.
    complex(wp), dimension(:,:), intent(in)                          :: A   !! Left  matrix [n×m]
    complex(wp), dimension(:,:), intent(in)                          :: B   !! Right matrix [p×q]
    complex(wp), dimension(size(A,1)+size(B,1), size(A,2)+size(B,2)) :: R   !! R = Diag(A,B)

    R = 0.0_wp
    R(:size(A,1),   :size(A,2)   ) = A
    R( size(A,1)+1:, size(A,2)+1:) = B
  end function
end module