spin.f Source File


Source Code

Source Code

!> Author:   Jabir Ali Ouassou
!> Category: Foundation
!> This module defines the data type 'spin', which represents 2×2 complex matrices in spin space. The module overloads
!> common arithmetic operators to work with the new data type, and defines and exports the Pauli matrices as constants.
!> To make it easier to interact with common differential equation solvers, which often operate on real state vectors,
!> the assignment operator is overloaded in such a way that 'spin' can be easily imported/exported to a real vector(8).

module spin_m
  use :: math_m

  ! Public interface
  public spin
  public inverse, trace, conjg, norm2, sum
  public pauli, pauli0, pauli1, pauli2, pauli3

  ! Type declaration
  type spin
    complex(wp) :: matrix(2,2) = 0.0_wp   !! Encapsulate a spin matrix
    ! Overload constructors and operators
    generic :: spin          => cons_rscalar, cons_cscalar, cons_cmatrix, cons_rvector, cons_spin
    generic :: assignment(=) => assr_rscalar, assr_cscalar, assr_cmatrix, assr_rvector, assl_cmatrix, assl_rvector
    generic :: operator(+)   => addl_rscalar, addr_rscalar, addl_cscalar, addr_cscalar, addl_cmatrix, addr_cmatrix, add_spin
    generic :: operator(-)   => subl_rscalar, subr_rscalar, subl_cscalar, subr_cscalar, subl_cmatrix, subr_cmatrix, sub_spin
    generic :: operator(*)   => mull_rscalar, mulr_rscalar, mull_cscalar, mulr_cscalar, mull_cmatrix, mulr_cmatrix, mul_spin
    generic :: operator(/)   => divr_rscalar, divr_cscalar
    generic :: operator(**)  => expr_iscalar

    ! Specific methods for construction
    procedure,   nopass,   private :: cons_spin    => spin_cons_spin      !! Construction from a spin object
    procedure,   nopass,   private :: cons_rscalar => spin_cons_rscalar   !! Construction from a real scalar 
    procedure,   nopass,   private :: cons_cscalar => spin_cons_cscalar   !! Construction from a complex scalar 
    procedure,   nopass,   private :: cons_cmatrix => spin_cons_cmatrix   !! Construction from a complex matrix
    procedure,   nopass,   private :: cons_rvector => spin_cons_rvector   !! Construction from a real vector

    ! Specific methods for importing the object state
    ! Specific implementations of assignments
    procedure, pass(this), private :: assr_rscalar => spin_assr_rscalar   !! Assign data from a real scalar      (right)
    procedure, pass(this), private :: assr_cscalar => spin_assr_cscalar   !! Assign data from a complex scalar   (right)
    procedure, pass(this), private :: assl_cmatrix => spin_assl_cmatrix   !! Assign data into a complex matrix   (left)
    procedure, pass(this), private :: assr_cmatrix => spin_assr_cmatrix   !! Assign data from a complex matrix   (right)
    procedure, pass(this), private :: assl_rvector => spin_assl_rvector   !! Assign data into a real vector      (left)
    procedure, pass(this), private :: assr_rvector => spin_assr_rvector   !! Assign data from a real vector      (right)

    ! Specific implementations of addition
    procedure, pass(this), private :: add_spin     => spin_add_spin       !! Addition with a spin object
    procedure, pass(this), private :: addl_rscalar => spin_addl_rscalar   !! Addition with a real scalar         (left) 
    procedure, pass(this), private :: addr_rscalar => spin_addr_rscalar   !! Addition with a real scalar         (right)
    procedure, pass(this), private :: addl_cscalar => spin_addl_cscalar   !! Addition with a complex scalar      (left) 
    procedure, pass(this), private :: addr_cscalar => spin_addr_cscalar   !! Addition with a complex scalar      (right)
    procedure, pass(this), private :: addl_cmatrix => spin_addl_cmatrix   !! Addition with a complex matrix      (left) 
    procedure, pass(this), private :: addr_cmatrix => spin_addr_cmatrix   !! Addition with a complex matrix      (right)

    ! Specific implementations of subtraction
    procedure, pass(this), private :: sub_spin     => spin_sub_spin       !! Subtraction with a spin object
    procedure, pass(this), private :: subl_rscalar => spin_subl_rscalar   !! Subtraction with a real scalar      (left) 
    procedure, pass(this), private :: subr_rscalar => spin_subr_rscalar   !! Subtraction with a real scalar      (right)
    procedure, pass(this), private :: subl_cscalar => spin_subl_cscalar   !! Subtraction with a complex scalar   (left)
    procedure, pass(this), private :: subr_cscalar => spin_subr_cscalar   !! Subtraction with a complex scalar   (right) 
    procedure, pass(this), private :: subl_cmatrix => spin_subl_cmatrix   !! Subtraction with a complex matrix   (left) 
    procedure, pass(this), private :: subr_cmatrix => spin_subr_cmatrix   !! Subtraction with a complex matrix   (right) 

    ! Specific implementations of multiplication
    procedure, pass(this), private :: mul_spin     => spin_mul_spin       !! Multiplication by a spin object
    procedure, pass(this), private :: mull_rscalar => spin_mull_rscalar   !! Multiplication by a real scalar     (left) 
    procedure, pass(this), private :: mulr_rscalar => spin_mulr_rscalar   !! Multiplication by a real scalar     (right)
    procedure, pass(this), private :: mull_cscalar => spin_mull_cscalar   !! Multiplication by a complex scalar  (left)
    procedure, pass(this), private :: mulr_cscalar => spin_mulr_cscalar   !! Multiplication by a complex scalar  (right)
    procedure, pass(this), private :: mull_cmatrix => spin_mull_cmatrix   !! Multiplication by a complex matrix  (left)
    procedure, pass(this), private :: mulr_cmatrix => spin_mulr_cmatrix   !! Multiplication by a complex matrix  (right)

    ! Specific implementations of division
    procedure, pass(this), private :: divr_rscalar => spin_divr_rscalar   !! Division by a real scalar           (right)
    procedure, pass(this), private :: divr_cscalar => spin_divr_cscalar   !! Division by a complex scalar        (right)

    ! Specific implementations of exponentiation
    procedure, pass(this), private :: expr_iscalar => spin_expr_iscalar   !! Exponentiation by an integer        (right)
  end type

  ! Public interfaces
  interface inverse
    !! Matrix inverse
    module procedure spin_inv
  end interface

  interface trace
    !! Matrix trace
    module procedure spin_trace
  end interface

  interface sum
    !! Matrix sum
    module procedure spin_sum
  end interface

  interface conjg
    !! Complex conjugation
    module procedure spin_conjg
  end interface

  interface norm2
    !! Matrix norm
    module procedure spin_norm
  end interface

  ! Exported constants
  type(spin), parameter                 :: pauli0 = spin(reshape([ ( 1, 0), ( 0, 0), ( 0, 0), ( 1, 0) ], [2,2], order=[2,1]))
  type(spin), parameter                 :: pauli1 = spin(reshape([ ( 0, 0), ( 1, 0), ( 1, 0), ( 0, 0) ], [2,2], order=[2,1]))
  type(spin), parameter                 :: pauli2 = spin(reshape([ ( 0, 0), ( 0,-1), ( 0, 1), ( 0, 0) ], [2,2], order=[2,1]))
  type(spin), parameter                 :: pauli3 = spin(reshape([ ( 1, 0), ( 0, 0), ( 0, 0), (-1, 0) ], [2,2], order=[2,1]))
  type(spin), parameter, dimension(0:3) :: pauli  = [pauli0, pauli1, pauli2, pauli3]

  !                            SPECIFIC CONSTRUCTORS                               !

  pure function spin_cons_rscalar(other) result(this)
    !! Constructs a spin object from a real scalar.
    real(wp),  intent(in)  :: other
    type(spin)             :: this

    this = other
  end function

  pure function spin_cons_cscalar(other) result(this)
    !! Constructs a spin object from a complex scalar.
    complex(wp), intent(in)  :: other
    type(spin)               :: this

    this = other
  end function

  pure function spin_cons_cmatrix(other) result(this)
    !! Constructs a spin object from a complex matrix.
    complex(wp), intent(in) :: other(2,2)
    type(spin)              :: this

    this = other
  end function

  pure function spin_cons_rvector(other) result(this)
    !! Constructs a spin object from a real vector.
    real(wp), intent(in) :: other(8)
    type(spin)           :: this

    this = other
  end function

  pure function spin_cons_spin(other) result(this)
    !! Constructs a spin object from an existing one.
    type(spin), intent(in) :: other
    type(spin)             :: this

    this = other
  end function

  !                         SPECIFIC IMPORT PROCEDURES                             !

  pure subroutine spin_assr_rscalar(this, other)
    !! Imports data to a spin object from a real scalar.
    class(spin), intent(inout) :: this
    real(wp),    intent(in)    :: other

    this%matrix = other * pauli0%matrix
  end subroutine

  pure subroutine spin_assr_cscalar(this, other)
    !! Imports data to a spin object from a complex scalar.
    class(spin), intent(inout) :: this
    complex(wp), intent(in)    :: other

    this%matrix = other * pauli0%matrix
  end subroutine

  pure subroutine spin_assr_cmatrix(this, other)
    !! Imports data to a spin object from a complex matrix.
    class(spin),  intent(inout) :: this
    complex(wp),  intent(in)    :: other(2,2)

    this%matrix = other
  end subroutine

  pure subroutine spin_assr_rvector(this, other)
    !! Imports data to a spin object from a real vector.
    class(spin), intent(inout) :: this
    real(wp),    intent(in)    :: other(8)

    this%matrix = cx(reshape(other(1:7:2),[2,2],order=[2,1]),&
  end subroutine

  !                         SPECIFIC EXPORT PROCEDURES                             !

  pure subroutine spin_assl_cmatrix(other, this)
    !! Exports data from a spin object to a complex matrix.
    class(spin), intent(in)  :: this
    complex(wp), intent(out) :: other(2,2)

    other = this%matrix 
  end subroutine

  pure subroutine spin_assl_rvector(other, this)
    !! Exports data from a spin object to a real vector.
    class(spin), intent(in)  :: this
    real(wp),    intent(out) :: other(8)

    other(1:7:2) = re([ this%matrix(1,:), this%matrix(2,:) ])
    other(2:8:2) = im([ this%matrix(1,:), this%matrix(2,:) ])
  end subroutine

  !                     SPECIFIC EXPONENTIATION PROCEDURES                         !

  pure function spin_expr_iscalar(this, other) result(r)
    !! Exponentiates the spin object, where the power is a positive integer.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    integer,     intent(in) :: other
    type(spin)              :: r
    integer                 :: n

    r = this
    do n=2,other
      r%matrix = r%matrix * this
    end do
  end function

  !                     SPECIFIC MULTIPLICATION PROCEDURES                         !

  elemental pure function spin_mul_spin(this, other) result(r)
    !! Defines multiplication of two spin matrices.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    class(spin), intent(in) :: other
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = matmul(this%matrix, other%matrix)
  end function

  pure function spin_mull_rscalar(other, this) result(r)
    !! Defines left multiplication of a spin matrix by a real scalar.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    real(wp),    intent(in) :: other
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = other * this%matrix
  end function

  pure function spin_mulr_rscalar(this, other) result(r)
    !! Defines right multiplication of a spin matrix by a real scalar.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    real(wp),    intent(in) :: other
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = this%matrix * other
  end function

  pure function spin_mull_cscalar(other, this) result(r)
    !! Defines left multiplication of a spin matrix by a complex scalar.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    complex(wp), intent(in) :: other
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = other * this%matrix
  end function

  function spin_mulr_cscalar(this, other) result(r)
    !! Defines right multiplication of a spin matrix by a complex scalar.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    complex(wp), intent(in) :: other
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = this%matrix * other
  end function

  pure function spin_mull_cmatrix(other, this) result(r)
    !! Defines left multiplication of a spin matrix by a complex matrix.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    complex(wp), intent(in) :: other(2,2)
    type(spin)              :: r
    r%matrix = matmul(other, this%matrix)
  end function

  pure function spin_mulr_cmatrix(this, other) result(r)
    !! Defines right multiplication of a spin matrix by a complex matrix.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    complex(wp), intent(in) :: other(2,2)
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = matmul(this%matrix, other)
  end function

  !                        SPECIFIC DIVISION PROCEDURES                            !

  pure function spin_divr_rscalar(this, other) result(r)
    !! Defines division of a spin matrix by a real scalar.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    real(wp),    intent(in) :: other
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = this%matrix / other
  end function

  pure function spin_divr_cscalar(this, other) result(r)
    !! Defines division of a spin matrix by a complex scalar.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    complex(wp), intent(in) :: other
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = this%matrix / other
  end function

  !                        SPECIFIC ADDITION PROCEDURES                            !

  elemental pure function spin_add_spin(this, other) result(r)
    !! Defines addition of two spin matrices.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    class(spin), intent(in) :: other
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = this%matrix + other%matrix
  end function

  pure function spin_addl_rscalar(other, this) result(r)
    !! Defines left addition of a spin matrix and a real scalar.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    real(wp),    intent(in) :: other
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = other*pauli0%matrix + this%matrix
  end function

  pure function spin_addr_rscalar(this, other) result(r)
    !! Defines right addition of a spin matrix and a real scalar.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    real(wp),    intent(in) :: other
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = this%matrix + other*pauli0%matrix
  end function

  pure function spin_addl_cscalar(other, this) result(r)
    !! Defines left addition of a spin matrix and a complex scalar.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    complex(wp), intent(in) :: other
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = other*pauli0%matrix + this%matrix
  end function

  pure function spin_addr_cscalar(this, other) result(r)
    !! Defines right addition of a spin matrix and a complex scalar.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    complex(wp), intent(in) :: other
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = this%matrix + other*pauli0%matrix
  end function

  pure function spin_addl_cmatrix(other, this) result(r)
    !! Defines left addition of a spin matrix and a complex matrix.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    complex(wp), intent(in) :: other(2,2)
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = other + this%matrix
  end function

  pure function spin_addr_cmatrix(this, other) result(r)
    !! Defines right addition of a spin matrix and a complex matrix.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    complex(wp), intent(in) :: other(2,2)
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = this%matrix + other
  end function

  !                       SPECIFIC SUBTRACTION PROCEDURES                          !

  elemental pure function spin_sub_spin(this, other) result(r)
    !! Defines subtraction of two spin matrices.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    class(spin), intent(in) :: other
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = this%matrix - other%matrix
  end function

  pure function spin_subl_rscalar(other, this) result(r)
    !! Defines left subtraction of a spin matrix and a real scalar.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    real(wp),    intent(in) :: other
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = other*pauli0%matrix - this%matrix
  end function

  pure function spin_subr_rscalar(this, other) result(r)
    !! Defines right subtraction of a spin matrix and a real scalar.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    real(wp),    intent(in) :: other
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = this%matrix - other*pauli0%matrix
  end function

  pure function spin_subl_cscalar(other, this) result(r)
    !! Defines left subtraction of a spin matrix and a complex scalar.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    complex(wp), intent(in) :: other
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = other*pauli0%matrix - this%matrix
  end function

  pure function spin_subr_cscalar(this, other) result(r)
    !! Defines right subtraction of a spin matrix and a complex scalar.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    complex(wp), intent(in) :: other
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = this%matrix - other*pauli0%matrix
  end function

  pure function spin_subl_cmatrix(other, this) result(r)
    !! Defines left subtraction of a spin matrix and a complex matrix.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    complex(wp), intent(in) :: other(2,2)
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = other - this%matrix
  end function

  pure function spin_subr_cmatrix(this, other) result(r)
    !! Defines right subtraction of a spin matrix and a complex matrix.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    complex(wp), intent(in) :: other(2,2)
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = this%matrix - other
  end function

  !                                MATRIX ALGEBRA                                  !

  elemental pure function spin_norm(this) result(r)
    !! Calculate the Frobenius norm of the spin matrix.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    real(wp)                :: r, w(8)

    w = this
    r = norm2(w)
  end function

  elemental pure function spin_conjg(this) result(r)
    !! Calculate the complex conjugate of the spin matrix.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = conjg(this%matrix)
  end function

  elemental pure function spin_trace(this) result(r)
    !! Calculate the trace of the spin matrix.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    complex(wp)             :: r

    r = this%matrix(1,1) + this%matrix(2,2)
  end function

  pure function spin_inv(this) result(r)
    !! Calculate the inverse of the spin matrix.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this
    type(spin)              :: r

    r%matrix = inverse(this%matrix)
  end function

  pure function spin_sum(this) result(r)
    !! Calculate the sum of an array of spin matrices.
    class(spin), intent(in) :: this(:)
    type(spin)              :: r
    integer                 :: n

    do n=1,size(this)
      r % matrix = r % matrix + this(n) % matrix
    end do
  end function
end module